Tag Archives: Hayashi

British-Japan security partnership in 2013: A new type of Alliance?

Japan's Ambassador to the UK Keiichi Hayashi and UK Foreign Minister William Hague, 4 July 2013

Japan’s Ambassador to the UK Keiichi Hayashi and UK Foreign Minister William Hague, 4 July 2013

The recent signing of defence cooperation agreements between the UK and Japan is stirring memories of old alliances.

“By mentioning the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, I am not seeking merely to dwell on past glories. Surely we had the tragedy of another war which we fought against each other and have always to squarely face. However, we are now nurturing a new partnership in the defence and security areas, which perhaps we can call a new type of alliance” Japan’s ambassador to the UK Keiichi Hayashi, 23 July 2013. (link here)

A new Anglo-Japan Alliance? Certainly there are echoes –

“The focus of international competition is moving steadily towards the Pacific Ocean and… Japan is obliged… to play an ever increasingly [sic] part in the peaceful development of that portion of the globe [cheers]. I sincerely hope … that these friendly feelings and mutual sympathies which have existed between us in the past shall be daily more strongly cemented in the future [cheers].”  Ito Hirobumi, London, 3 January 1902

Conscious of the need to avoid too much Anglo-Japan bias on this blog, I will begin posting more on the emergence of ‘a new type of alliance‘,  at a sibling blog devoted to this question: Anglo-Japan Alliance

Great Game


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European military presence in Asia – Who Dares?

HMS Daring

HMS Daring

JDS Kashima passes Fort Blockhouse as she enters Portsmouth Harbour, July 2013

JDS Kashima passes Fort Blockhouse as she enters Portsmouth Harbour, July 2013

The must-read blog on UK defence ‘Thin Pinstripe Line‘ has details about the UK Royal Navy deployment way East of Suez this year:

Another Daring Deployment? Continue reading


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